Office Phone: (+30) 2810 391251
Lab Phone: (+30) 2810 391888
Email: kbrin@iesl.forth.gr
Ph.D. dissertation carried out at IESL-FORTH, entitled "Growth and Organization of Hybrid Nanocrystals: Structural, Electronic and Magnetic Properties" (2017); degree awarded by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Dept. of Physics).
- 2010, M.Sc. Physics and Technology of Materials; Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
- 2006, B.Sc. Physics; Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
- nanocrystals with controlled geometry and composition
- directed-assembly of nanocrystals
- magnetic and optical properties of mesoscale nanoparticle networks
Iron Oxide Colloidal Nanoclusters as Theranostic Vehicles and Their Interactions at the Cellular Level
A. Kostopoulou, K. Brintakis, E. Fragogeorgi, A. Anthousi, L. Manna, S. Begin-Colin, C. Billotey, A. Ranella, G. Loudos, I. Athanassakis, and A. Lappas
Nanomaterials, Volume:8, Page:315, Year:2018, DOI:doi.org/10.3390/nano8050315
Colloidal Assemblies of Oriented Maghemite Nanocrystals and their NMR Relaxometric Properties
A. Kostopoulou, S.K.P. Velu, K. Thangavel, F. Orsini, K. Brintakis, S. Psycharakis, A. Ranella, L. Bordonali, A. Lappas, and A. Lascialfari
Dalton Trans. , Volume:43, Page:8395, Year:2014, DOI:doi.org/10.1039/C4DT00024B
Hydrophobic Periphery Tails of Polyphenylenepyridyl Dendrons Control Nanoparticle Formation and Catalytic Properties
N.V. Kuchkina, D.G. Morgan, A. Kostopoulou, A. Lappas, K. Brintakis, B.S. Boris, E.Y. Yuzik-Klimova, B.D. Stein, D.I. Svergun, A. Spilotros, M.G. Sulman, L.Z. Nikoshvili, E.M. Sulman, Z.B. Shifrina, and L.M. Bronstein
Chem. Mater., Volume:26, Page:5654, Year:2014, DOI:doi.org/10.1021/cm502336n