Office Phone: (+30) 2810 391874
Email: akosto@iesl.forth.gr
Ph.D. dissertation carried out at IESL-FORTH, entitled "Synthesis and Characterisation of Hybrid Nanocrystal Structures with Tailored Properties" (2012); degree awarded by the University of Crete (Dept. of Chemistry).
- 2006, M.Sc. Physics and Technology of Materials; Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
- 2004, B.Sc. Physics; Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
- synthesis and understanding of high quality magnetic nanocrystals
- nanoparticle assembly - nanoclusters
- secondary colloidal nanostructures for bio-imaging (cf. MRI)
Assembly-mediated Interplay of Dipolar Interactions and Surface Spin Disorder in Colloidal Maghemite Nanoclusters
A. Kostopoulou, K. Brintakis, M. Vasilakaki, K.N. Trohidou, A.P. Douvalis, A. Lascialfari, L. Manna, and A. Lappas
Nanoscale, Volume:6, Page:3764, Year:2014, DOI:doi.org/10.1039/C3NR06103E
Magnetically Recoverable Catalysts Based on Polyphenylenepyridyl Dendrons and Dendrimers
E.Y. Yuzik-Klimova, N.V. Kuchkina, S.A. Sorokina, D.G. Morgan, B.S. Boris, L.Z. Nikoshvili, N.A. Lyubimova, V.G. Matveeva, E.M. Sulman, B.D. Stein, W.E. Mahnoud, A.A. Al-Ghamdi, A. Kostopoulou, A. Lappas, Z.B. Shifrina, and L.M. Bronstein
RSC Advances , Volume:4, Page:23271, Year:2014, DOI:doi.org/10.1039/C4RA00878B
Assembly of Quantum Dots on Peptide Nanostructures and Their Spectroscopic Properties
E. Kasotakis, A. Kostopoulou, M. Spuch-Calvar, M. Androulidaki, N. Pelekanos, A.G. Kanaras, A. Mitraki, and A. Lappas
Appl. Phys. A , Volume:116, Page:977, Year:2014, DOI:doi.org/10.1007/s00339-014-8538-5
Colloidal Anisotropic ZnO-Fe@FexOy Nanoarchitectures with Interface-Mediated Exchange-Bias and Band-Edge Ultraviolet Fluorescence
A. Kostopoulou, F. Thetiot, I. Tsiaousis, M. Androulidaki, P.D. Cozzoli, and A. Lappas
Chem. Mater., Volume:24, Page:2722, Year:2012, DOI:doi.org/10.1021/cm3008182