Office Phone: (+30) 2810 391874
Lab Phone: (+30) 2810 391349
Email: mangelis@iesl.forth.gr
2018-19: ONRG post-doctoral fellow at IESL-FORTH; engaged in research exploring the role of correlated disorder in intercalated iron-chalcogenide superconductors.
- 2017, D.Phil. Chemistry; University of Reading, UK
- 2013, M.Sc. Materials for Sustainable & Renewable Energies; Heriot-Watt University, UK
- 2009, Physics; National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
- Chalcogenide materials for thermoelectrics
- Metal-atom ordering and phase transformations
- Neutron scattering
Correlated Disorder-to-Order Crossover in the Local Structure of KxFe2-ySe2-zSz
P. Mangelis, R.J. Koch, H. Lei, R.B. Neder, M.T. McDonnell, M. Feygenson, C. Petrovic, A. Lappas, and E.S. Bozin,
Phys. Rev. B, Volume:100, Page:094108 , Year:2019, DOI:doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.100.094108
On the Nanoscale Structure of KxFe2−yCh2 (Ch = S, Se): A Neutron Pair Distribution Function View
Panagiotis Mangelis, Hechang Lei, Marshall T. McDonnell, Mikhail Feygenson, Cedomir Petrovic, Emil S. Bozin, and Alexandros Lappas
Condens. Matter, Volume:3, Page:20, Year:2018, DOI:doi.org/10.3390/condmat3030020