Family Name, First Name : Tzallas Paraskevas
Researcher unique identifier: Paraskevas Tzallas on Google Scholar
Date of birth : Grevena-Greece, Feb. 4, 1974.
Nationality: Hellenic
Office address : Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas, Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (FORTH-IESL), N. Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton, 70013, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, Tel.: +30-81-391127, Fax: +30-81-391305, e-mail: ptzallas@iesl.forth.gr
2017-now: Research Director (Researcher A')
2014-now: Senior Research fellow and Scientific Advisor at Extreme Light Infrastructure-Attosecond Light Pulse Source (ELI-ALPS), Szeged, Hungary
2002-2004: Post-Doc in MAX-PlANCK-INSTITUT FÜR QUANTENOPTIK in Garching (Germany)
2004-2017: Researcher D', Researcher C' and Principal Researcher (Researcher B') at FORTH-IESL
2018-2020: Board member of the scientific council of FORTH-IESL
- EDUCATION: I) 1992 (Oct.)-1996(July): Diploma degree in Physics, Univ. of Ioannina-Greece; 1996 (Oct.)-2002 (Jan.) II) PhD student in AMO Phys. lab. of Department of Phys. of Univ. of Ioannina in close collaboration with Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK).
- CAREER BREAKS (2004): 6 Months military obligation in the Greek Armed Forces. I was acknowledged by the Greek Ministry of National Defence as a Distinguished Scientist of Abroad.
- RESEARCH INTERESTS: Atomic, Molecular and Optical physics (AMO); Attosecond science and strong laser field physics; Quantum Optics in Strong laser field physics
- First direct observation of attosecond light bursts emitted from gas and sold state media (Nature (2003); Nature Phys. (2009); APL Photonics (2019)).
- First observation of atomic direct double ionization by harmonic superposition (PRA (2006)).
- Generation of intense continuum XUV radiation by multi-cycle laser fields (Nature Phys. (2007)).
- XUV pump-XUV probe studies of 1-fs electron dynamics (PRL (2010); Nature Phys.(2011); PRA (2014))
- Time gated ion microscopy in the XUV spectral range (PRA (2014); Sci. Rep. (2016); J. Opt. (2018)).
- Generation of coherent XUV pulses with the highest ever photon flux (PRA (2018), Sci. Rep. (2020)).
- Linking quantum optics and quantum technologies with strong-laser-field physics: Generation of optical Schrodinger cat states in intense laser-matter interactions (Nature Com.(2017); PRL (2019); Nature Phys. (2021); PRL (2022); PRA (2022)).
- PUBLICATIONS IN INTERNATIONAL REFEREED JOURNALS: 82 published papers, including 1 Nature, 4 Nature Phys., 1 Nature Comm., 7 Phys. Rev. Lett., 1 Physics Reports, 12 Phys. Rev. A, 3 Optica, 1 Opt. Lett., 5 Sci. Rep., 5 New J. Phys., 6 J. Phys. B, 2 Optics Express, 2 Appl. Phys. B, 2 Chem. Phys. Lett., 2 J. Phys. Chem. A e.t.c., 5 chapters in books, and 5 Invited review/perspective articles in international scientific journals with ≈ 3330 citations, h-factor = 32 (database: Google Scholar).
- TALKS IN CONFERENCES/UNIVERSITIES/INSTITUTES: 2 keynote, 41 invited and 15 oral
- REFEREE IN INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS: 1) Nature Photon. 2) Nature Phys. 3) Nature Commun. 4) Phys. Rev. Lett. 5) Phys. Rev. A 6) Optics Letters 6) Sci. Rep. 7) New Journal of Physics 8) Optics Express 9) Journal of Physics B 10) Journal of Quantum Electronics 11) Applied Physics B.
- PROPOSAL REVIEWER: for the Austrian Science Fund funds (FWF), German Research Foundation (DFG), Israeli Higher Education Committee/ Israeli Atomic Energy Commission (IAEC), and European Research Council, ERC Advanced Grant.
- SUPERVISION OF GRDUATE STUDENTS AND POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWS: 4 PostDocs; 6 PhD students; 8 Master Students and 4 Diploma students.
- PRESENT COLLABORATIONS: 1) Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optic (MPQ), Garching, Germany. 2) Institute of Carnot de Bourgogne, Dijon, France. 3) Imperial College, London, UK. 5) Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland. 4) University Autonoma of Madrid, Madrid, Spain. 5) ICFO, Barcelona. 6) ELI-ALPS Hungary.