Polarization-engineered InGaN/GaN solar cells: realistic expectations for single heterojunctions
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Self-healing of carbon nitride evidenced as material inflation and superlubric behavior
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Optimal wavelength for two-color filamentation-induced terahertz sources
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Improved Charge Carrier Dynamics of CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Films Synthesized by Means of Laser-Assisted Crystallization
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Digital holographic interferometry for cultural heritage structural diagnostics: A coherent and a low‐coherence optical set‐up for the study of a marquetry sample
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α,β-Unsubstituted meso-positioning thienyl BODIPY: a promising electron deficient building block for the development of near infrared (NIR) p-type donor-acceptor (D-A) conjugated polymers
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Synchronization crossover of polariton condensates in weakly disordered lattices
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The role of intramolecular charge transfer and symmetry breaking in the photophysics of pyrrolo [3, 2-b] pyrrole-dione.
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Ancient encaustic: An experimental exploration of technology, ageing behaviour and approaches to analytical investigation
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Initiator-Free, Multiphoton Polymerization of Gelatin Methacrylamide
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