Photochemical Synthesis of Solution‐Processable Graphene Derivatives with Tunable Bandgaps for Organic Solar Cells
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Assembly-mediated Interplay of Dipolar Interactions and Surface Spin Disorder in Colloidal Maghemite Nanoclusters
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Time-dependent density-functional theory of strong-field ionization of atoms by soft x rays
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Multi-pass Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
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Second-order resonant Raman scattering in single-layer tungsten disulfide WS2
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Tuning the Morphology of All-Polymer OPVs Through Altering Polymer-Solvent Interactions
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Linear and non-linear photonic rogue waves in complex transparent media
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An ultra-bright atom laser
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Monitoring myosin conformational fast changes in-vivo with instantaneous single scan polarization-SHG microscopy
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Intense femtosecond photoexcitation of monolayer MoS2
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