Growth mechanism and microstructure of low defect density InN (0001) In-face thin films on Si (111) substrates
Journal of Applied Physics, 114, 163519, 2013,
The Formation of New Periodicities after N-Implantation in 4H- and 6H-SiC Samples
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Redox Multiphoton Polymerization for 3D Nanofabrication
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Phase Separation-Driven Stratification in Conventional and Inverted P3HT:PCBM Organic Solar Cells
Organic Electronics , 14, 5, 1249 - 1254, 2013,
Mineralized self-assembled peptides on 3D laser-made scaffolds: a new route toward 'scaffold on scaffold' hard tissue engineering
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Multi Photon Excitation Fluorescence imaging microscopy for the precise characterization of corrosion layers in silver-based artifacts
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 111, 1, 177-181 , 2013,
Quantitative imaging of microtubule alteration as an early marker of axonal degeneration after ischemia in neurons
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Micro-mapping of Defect Structural Micro-morphology in the Documentation of Fresco Wallpaintings
International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era, 2, 1, 1-22, 2013,
Smelly barbarians or perfumed natives? An investigation of oil and ointment use in Late Bronze Age northern Greece
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Surface reaction under climate impact: A direct holographic visualization of assumed processes