Growth mechanism and microstructure of low defect density InN (0001) In-face thin films on Si (111) substrates
Th. Kehagias, G. P. Dimitrakopulos, A. O. Ajagunna, T. Koukoula, K. Tsagaraki, A. Adikimenakis, Ph. Komninou and A. Georgakilas
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The Formation of New Periodicities after N-Implantation in 4H- and 6H-SiC Samples
K. Zekentes, K. Tsagaraki, A. Breza and N. Frangis
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Redox Multiphoton Polymerization for 3D Nanofabrication
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Phase Separation-Driven Stratification in Conventional and Inverted P3HT:PCBM Organic Solar Cells
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Organic Electronics , 14, 5, 1249 - 1254, 2013,
Mineralized self-assembled peptides on 3D laser-made scaffolds: a new route toward 'scaffold on scaffold' hard tissue engineering
Konstantina Terzaki, Erifyli Kalloudi, Estelle Mossou, Edward P Mitchell, V Trevor Forsyth, Elena Rosseeva, Paul Simon, Maria Vamvakaki, Maria Chatzinikolaidou, Anna Mitraki
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Multi Photon Excitation Fluorescence imaging microscopy for the precise characterization of corrosion layers in silver-based artifacts
F. Faraldi, G.J Tserevelakis, G. Filippidis, G.M. Ingo, C. Riccucci, C. Fotakis
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Quantitative imaging of microtubule alteration as an early marker of axonal degeneration after ischemia in neurons
S. Psilodimitrakopoulos, V. Petegnief, N. de Vera, O. Hernandez, D. Artigas, A. M. Planas, and P. Loza-Alvarez
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Micro-mapping of Defect Structural Micro-morphology in the Documentation of Fresco Wallpaintings
V. Tornaria, E. Bernikola, E. Tsiranidou, K. Hatzigiannakis, M. Andrianakis, V. Detalle, J.L Bodnar
International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era, 2, 1, 1-22, 2013,
Smelly barbarians or perfumed natives? An investigation of oil and ointment use in Late Bronze Age northern Greece
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Surface reaction under climate impact: A direct holographic visualization of assumed processes
V. Tornari
