Micro-Ring Resonator Devices Prototyped on Optical Fiber Tapers by Multi-Photon Lithography
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Effect of Interfacial Interactions on Static and Dynamic Behavior of Hyperbranched Polymers: Comparison between Different Layered Nanoadditives
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Probing valley population imbalance in transition metal dichalcogenides via temperature-dependent second harmonic generation imaging
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A Nanosecond-Resolved Atomic Hydrogen Magnetometer
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Nanosized BaSnO3 as Electron Transport Promoter Coupled with g-C3N4 toward Enhanced Photocatalytic H2 Production
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Study on the Ozone Gas Sensing Properties of rf-Sputtered Al-Doped NiO Films
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A novel approach in process DHSPI data for surface displacement measurements of museum artworks
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Interlayer exciton mediated second harmonic generation in bilayer MoS2
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