Force–displacement relationship in micro-metric pantographs: Experiments and numerical simulations
Francesco Dell'Isola, Emilio Turco, Anil Misra, Zacharias Vangelatos, Costas Grigoropoulos, Vasileia Melissinaki, Maria Farsari
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Transformation of ring-Airy beams during efficient harmonic generation
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Optical scheme for cryptographic commitments with physical unclonable keys
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Fragility of the bosonic Laughlin state
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Ferroelectricity in Undoped ZnO Nanorods
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Force–displacement relationship in micro-metric pantographs: Experiments and numerical simulations
F. dell’ Isola, E. Turco, A. Misra, Z. Vangelatos, C. Grigoropoulos, V. Melissinaki, M. Farsari, C. R. Mecanique
Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 347, 5, 397-405, 2019,
Revisiting photon-statistics effects on multiphoton ionization. II. Connection to realistic systems
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A high-frequency piezoelectric rheometer with validation of the loss angle measuring loop: application to polymer melts and colloidal glasses
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Laser‐Driven Strong‐Field Terahertz Sources
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Cleaning of gypsum-rich black crusts on granite using a dual wavelength Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser
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