Two-color studies of CH3Br excitation dynamics with MPI and slice imaging
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Towards intense isolated attosecond pulses from relativistic surface high harmonics
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Twist Angle mapping in layered WS2 by Polarization-Resolved Second Harmonic Generation
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Machine Learning With Observers Predicts Complex Spatiotemporal Behavior
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Effects of ultrathin AlN prelayers on the spontaneous growth of GaN nanowires by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy
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Correlated Disorder-to-Order Crossover in the Local Structure of KxFe2-ySe2-zSz
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Force–displacement relationship in micro-metric pantographs: Experiments and numerical simulations
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Revisiting photon-statistics effects on multiphoton ionization. II. Connection to realistic systems
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A high-frequency piezoelectric rheometer with validation of the loss angle measuring loop: application to polymer melts and colloidal glasses
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Transformation of ring-Airy beams during efficient harmonic generation
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