Iron Oxide Colloidal Nanoclusters as Theranostic Vehicles and Their Interactions at the Cellular Level
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Photon-assisted quantum state transfer and entanglement generation in spin chains
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Differential integrin expression in pre-implantation embryos developing under in vivo and in vitro conditions
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On-line photoacoustic monitoring of laser cleaning on stone: evaluation of cleaning effectiveness and detection of potential damage to the substrate
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Electrical Tuning of Nonlinearities in Exciton-Polariton Condensates
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Photon-assisted quantum state transfer and entanglement generation in spin chains
A. Gratsea, G. M. Nikolopoulos, P. Lambropoulos
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Correlating the Seebeck coefficient of thermoelectric polymer thin films to their charge transport mechanism
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Spatially selective reversible charge carrier density tuning in WS2 monolayers via photochlorination
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Impact of Polarization on Mid-IR Air Filaments
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Polarization-engineered InGaN/GaN solar cells: realistic expectations for single heterojunctions
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