SAGE: A proposal for a space atomic gravity explorer
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AEDGE: Atomic Experiment for Dark Matter and Gravity Exploration in Space
Andrea Bertoldi et al.
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Non-invasive photoacoustic detection of hidden underdrawings in paintings using air-coupled transducers
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Recent advances and strategies to tailor the energy levels, active sites and electron mobility in titania and its doped/composite analogues for hydrogen evolution in sunlight
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Cryptographic one-way function based on boson sampling
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Transition from the mean-field to the bosonic Laughlin state in a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate
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Physical insight in the fluence-dependent distributions of Au nanoparticles produced by sub-picosecond UV pulsed laser ablation of a solid target in vacuum environment
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Constraint Release Mechanisms for H-Polymers Moving in Linear Matrices of Varying Molar Masses
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Long-term stability of transparent n/p ZnO homojunctions grown by rf-sputtering at room-temperature
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Two-color mid-infrared laser filaments produce terahertz pulses with extreme efficiency
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