Spatially selective reversible charge carrier density tuning in WS2 monolayers via photochlorination
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Structural and Dynamical Heterogeneities in Nanosegregated Single-molecule Polymeric Nanoparticles
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Ultrahigh-density spin-polarized H and D observed via magnetization quantum beats
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Enhancing the ferroelectric performance of P(VDF-co-TrFE) through modulation of crystallinity and polymorphism
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3D laser nano-printing on fiber paves the way for super-focusing of multimode laser radiation
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Effects of field fluctuations on driven autoionizing resonances
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Quantum gates and simulations with strongly interacting Rydberg atoms
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Ultra-broadband tunable continuous phase masks using optical aberrations
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Extremely Bright THz Radiation from Two-color Filamentation of Mid-infrared Laser Pulses
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Optical properties of InGaN thin films in the entire composition range
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