Effect of Polymer Architecture on the Free Surface Dynamics of Thin Polymer Films
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Capacitances in 4H-SiC TSI-VJFETs
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Phase Memory Preserving Harmonics from Abruptly Autofocusing Beams
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Highly Nuclear-Spin-Polarized Deuterium Atoms from the UV Photodissociation of Deuterium Iodide
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Low-temperature Benchtop-synthesis of All-inorganic Perovskite Nanowires
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3D micro-structured arrays of ZnO nanorods
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Sculptured ultrashort laser wave packets for advanced materials engineering
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Materials analyses of pyrotechnological objects from LBA Tiryns, Greece, by means of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS): Results and a critical assessment of the method
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Characterization of Greek Wines by Ultraviolet–Visible Absorption Spectroscopy and Statistical Multivariate Methods
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Nonlinear imaging microscopy for assessing structural and photochemical modifications upon laser removal of dammar varnish on photosensitive substrates
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