Improved Carrier Transport in Perovskite Solar Cells Probed by Femtosecond Transient Absorption Spectroscopy
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Extremely high Q-factor metamaterials due to anapole excitation
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Hybrid organic-inorganic polariton laser
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Room temperature observation of biexcitons in exfoliated WS2 monolayers
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Continuous-variable quantum authentication of physical unclonable keys: Security against an emulation attack
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Crossing the threshold of ultrafast laser writing in bulk silicon
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Photoacoustic imaging reveals hidden underdrawings in paintings
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Diffraction properties of Floquet topological states in photonic lattices
Matthieu Bellec, Claire Michel, Haisu Zhang, Stelios Tzortzakis, Pierre Delplace
Highly uniform zinc blende GaAs nanowires on Si(111) using a controlled chemical oxide template
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3D Chiral Plasmonic Metamaterials Fabricated by Direct Laser Writing: The Twisted Omega Particle
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