Quantum optical signatures in high-field laser physics: Infrared photon counting in high order harmonics
I. A. Gonoskov, N. Tsatrafyllis, I. K. Kominis and P. Tzallas
Scientific Reports , 6, 32821 , 2016,
Convection roll-driven generation of supra-wavelength periodic surface structures on dielectrics upon irradiation with femtosecond pulsed lasers
George D Tsibidis,Evangelos Skoulas,Antonis Papadopoulos,Emmanuel Stratakis
Physical Review B, 94, 081305, 2016,
Spatial Non-Uniformity in Exfoliated WS2 Single layers
I. Paradisanos, N. Pliatsikas, P. Patsalas, C. Fotakis, E. Kymakis, G. Kioseoglou, E. Stratakis
Nanoscale, 8, 16197, 2016,
Nonlinear plasma-assisted collapse of ring-Airy wave packets
Paris Panagiotopoulos, Arnaud Couairon, Miroslav Kolesik, Dimitris G Papazoglou, Jerome V Moloney, Stelios Tzortzakis
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 93, 3, 033808, 2016,
Efficient cleaning of graphene from residual lithographic polymers by ozone treatment
V.S.Prudkovskiy, K.P.Katin, M.M.Maslov, P.Puech, R.Yakimova, G.Deligeorgis
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Thermochromic performance of Mg-doped VO2 thin films on functional substrates for glazing applications
M.Panagopoulou, E.Gagaoudakis, N.Boukos, E.Aperathitis, G.Kiriakidis, D.Tsoukalas and Y.S.Raptis
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 157, 1004 - 1010, 2016,
Enhanced terahertz wave emission from air-plasma tailored by abruptly autofocusing laser beams
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OPTICA, 3, 3, 605-608, 2016,
Structurally-Driven Enhancement of Thermoelectric Properties within Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Thin Films
I. Petsagkourakis, E. Pavlopoulou, G. Portale, B. A. Kuropatwa, S. Dilhaire, G. Fleury*, G. Hadziioannou*
Scientific Reports, 6, 30501 , 2016,
Fiber Endface Fabry–Perot Microsensor With Distinct Response to Vapors of Different Chlorinated Organic Solvents
V. Melissinaki, I. Konidakis, M. Farsari and S. Pissadakis
IEEE Sensors Journal, 16, 19, 7094 – 7100, 2016,
3D plasmonic crystal metamaterials for ultra-sensitive biosensing
A. I. Aristov, M. Manousidaki, A. Danilov, K. Terzaki, C. Fotakis, M. Farsari, and A. V. Kabashin
Scientific Reports, 6, 25380, 2016,
