Modeling and de-embedding the interferometric scanning microwave microscopy by means of dopant profile calibration
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Appl. Phys. Lett., 107, 223102, 2015,
Plasmonic bulk heterojunction solar cells: the role of nanoparticle ligand coating
Emmanuel Kymakis,George D Spyropoulos,Rute Fernandes,George Kakavelakis,Antonios G Kanaras,Emmanuel Stratakis
ACS Photonics, 2, 714-723, 2015,
Rydberg and valence state excitation dynamics: a velocity map imaging study involving the E-V state interaction in HBr
D. Zaouris, A. Kartakoullis, P. Glodic, P. C. Samartzis, H.R. Hrodmarsson, A. Kvaran
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Effects of Nanoscopic-Confinement on Polymer Dynamics
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Enhanced stability of aluminum nanoparticle-doped organic solar cells
Maria Sygletou,George Kakavelakis,Barbara Paci,Amanda Generosi,Emmanuel Kymakis,Emmanuel Stratakis
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Direct laser writing: Principles and materials for scaffold 3D printing
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Imaging ectopic fat deposition in Caenorhabditis elegans muscles using nonlinear microscopy
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Effect of O2 flow rate on the thermochromic performance of VO2 coatings grown by atmospheric pressure CVD
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Photochemical Synthesis of Solution-Processable Graphene Derivatives with Tunable Bandgaps for Organic Solar Cells
M. M. Stylianakis, M. Sygletou, K. Savva, G. Kakavelakis, E. Kymakis, E. Stratakis
Advanced Optical Materials, 3, 658, 2015,
Magnetic Inhomogeneity on a Triangular Lattice: the Magnetic-Exchange versus the Elastic Energy and the Role of Disorder
A. Zorko, J. Kokalj, M. Komelj, O. Adamopoulos, H. Luetkens, D. Arcon and A. Lappas
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