2016-2020 |
E-RIHS-PP: “The European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science”- Preparatory Phase (Horizon 2020-INFRADEV-2016-2, G. A. No739503, Local PI: D. Anglos (http://www.e-rihs.eu/) [1] |
2016-2018 |
ACCELERATE [2]: “ArChaeological and Climatic data from ELEmental ratios using Rapid Analysis of shell carbonate”, H2020-MSCA-IF-2015, Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship, Project No: 703625, Co-ordinator: D. Anglos (www.accelerate-project.com/ [2]) |
2015-2018 |
LASERLAB-EUROPE IV [3]: “Integrated European Laser Laboratories”, H2020-INFRAIA-2014-15, Research and Innovation Action, Grant agreement No: 654148, Team Involvement: D. Anglos, P. Pouli, V. Tornari, G. Tserevelakis, K. Hatzigiannakis (https://www.laserlab-europe.eu/ [3]) |
2009- 2014 |
CHARISMA: “Cultural Heritage Advanced Research Infrastructures: Synergy for a Multidisciplinary Approach to Conservation/ Restoration” (INFRA-2008-1.1.1 Bottom-up approach-228330), Local PI: D. Anglos (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/92569/factsheet/en [4]) |
2011-2014 |
SYDDARTA [5]: “SYstem for Digitisation and Diagnosis in ART Applications” (FP7-ENV-2010-265151) Local PI: V. Tornari (https://arquivo.pt/wayback/20191218154828/http://www.syddarta.eu/ [6]) |
2009-2013 |
CLIMATE FOR CULTURE [7]: “Damage risk assessment, economic impact and mitigation strategies for sustainable preservation of cultural heritage in the times of climate change” (FP7-ENV-CP-226973) Local PI: V. Tornari (https://www.climateforculture.eu [8]) |
2005-2008 |
MultiEncode: “Multifunctional encoding system for assessment of movable cultural heritage” (SSPI-CT00-6427) Local PI: V. Tornari |
2004-2008 |
PROMET: “Developing new analytical techniques and materials for monitoring and protecting metal artefacts from the Mediterranean region” (FP6-2002-INCO-MPC-1- 509126) Local PI: P. Pouli |
2004-2008 |
ATHENA: “A Scientific Training for High Education Initiatives in Art Conservation" Marie Curie Host Fellowships - EST (FP6-MEST-CT-2004-504067) |
2003-2006 |
LASERACT: “Laser multitask non-destructive technology in conservation diagnostic procedures” (EVK4-CT-2002-00096), Local PI: V. Tornari |
2003-2004 |
“Advanced on site laboratory for European antique heritage restoration” ( CLT 2003-A1-RO-515) |
1998-2002 |
“Laser cleaning Modeling and diagnostics of pulsed laser-solid interactions: application to laser cleaning” (TMR Network FMRX-CT98-0095) |
1998-2001 |
“COST Action G7: Advanced artwork restoration and conservation methods using laser techniques” (2000-2005), Advanced workstations for controlled laser cleaning of artworks (EESD CRAFT ENV4- CT98- 0787) |
1997-1998 |
“RESTORE Facade cleaning with lasers”, EUREKA project |
1997, 1999-2001 |
“Advanced workstations for controlled laser cleaning of artworks”, ENVIRONMENT – CRAFT, exploratory phase(1997) & Project (1999-2001) |
1996-1999 |
Laser ART : “Non-intrusive laser measurement techniques for diagnostics of the state of conservation of frescoes, paintings and wooden icons” (SMT4-CT96-2062 ) |
2017-2019 |
HELLAS-CH [9], “Synergy ELI - LASERLAB Europe, HiPER & E-RIHS.gr”, (MIS 5002735) Major project on the National Research Infrastructures Roadmap. Co-ordinator: Prof. D. Charalambidis (FORTH), Team involvement: P. Pouli, D. Anglos |
2017-2019 |
POLITEIA-II, [10] “Advanced analytical, diagnostic, surveying and documentation technologies in Cultural Heritage - II”, Action for the Strategic Development on the Research and Technological Sector, (NSRF 2014-2020), MIS-5002478, Co-ordinator: D. Anglos |
2013-2015 |
POLITEIA-I: “Advanced analytical, diagnostic, surveying and documentation technologies in Cultural Heritage”, Action for the Strategic Development on the Research and Technological Sector, (NSRF 2007-2013), MIS-448300, Co-ordinator: D. Anglos (http://www.forth.gr/politeia/) |
2012-2014 |
"Novel spectroscopic tools in archaeological organic residue analysis", Greece-Romania Joint Research and Technology Prog. ΓΓΕΤ11- ROM 2_6_ET29, (GSRT) Co-ordinator: D. Anglos |
2012-2014 |
LACUNH: “Development of a Standard Laser Technology for Cleaning Evidence of Cultural and Natural Heritage”, “Archimedes III” funded by the European Social Fund and Greek National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), Co-ordinator Prof. G. Panagiaris TEI of Athens Dept. of conservation of antiquities and works of arts, Local PI: C. Fotakis, P. Pouli |
2012-2014 |
COMASUCH: “Sustainability and Compatibility of Advanced Materials and Technologies for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Monuments: Development of Investigation Criteria and Methodologies”, THALES, funded by the European Social Fund and Greek National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), Co-ordinator Prof. A. Moropoulou, NTUA, Local PI: C. Fotakis, P. Pouli |
2012-2014 |
"Novel spectroscopic tools in archaeological organic residue analysis", Greece-Romania Joint Research and Technology Prog. ΓΓΕΤ11- ROM 2_6_ET29, (GSRT) |
2006-2008 |
"Characterization of archaeological copper-tin alloys with laser-based techniques", Greece-France Joint Research and Technology Prog. (GSRT) |
2005-2007 |
"Development of laser systems for monitoring environmental contaminants and their influence on the surface of monuments". Greece-China Joint Research and Technology Prog. (GSRT) |
2005-2007 |
“The influence of laser irradiation on the organic components of Historic manuscripts”, Greece-Romania Joint Research and Technology Prog. in collaboration with Technical University "Gh. Asachi" Iasi, Romania |
2004-2007 |
“The application of new technologies for the cleaning of archaeological and historical metal objects; investigation of the possibility of applying laser technology and electrolytic methods” ARCHIMEDES II, European Social Fund and National Resources-(EPEAEK II), coord B. Argyropoulos, TEI of Athens Dept. of conservation of antiquities and works of arts |
2005-2007 |
MOBILART: “Mobile Laser Art Conservation Laboratory” (GSRT), Community support framework III, Operational Program Competitiveness, Axis 4– Measure 4.5, Support Infrastructures for long-term viability of research, technological growth and demonstration actions, ΟΠΣ99884 |
2001-2003 |
“Βελτιστοποίηση μεθοδολογιών καθαρισμού της πέτρας με λέιζερ ”, Greece-Italy Joint Research and Technology Prog. in collaboration with IFAC-CNR, Florence, Italy |
2002-2005 |
EMERIC II: “Risk Map for the assessment of wall paintings of the Byzantine monuments in Crete”, Region of Crete research programme under the frame CRINNO- Crete Innovative Region |
2003- 2006 |
LASTOR- “Lasers for Stonework restoration” (GSRT), Community support framework III, Operational Program Competitiveness, Axis 4 – Measure 4.5, Culture – Knowledge Intensive Tourism, Code Π14 |
2003-2006 |
OLOTEK: “Holographic method and system development for structural assessment of artworks” (GSRT) |
1994-1998 |
LATECA: “Laser technology in conservation of artworks” (GSRT - EPET) |
2009-to date |
The Acropolis Museum, Greece, “Laser rejuvenation of Caryatids opens to the public at the Acropolis Museum: A link between ancient and modern Greece”, Co-ordinator: P. Pouli |
2015-2016 |
Bilateral collaboration with the German archaeological Institute in Athens and the Ephorate of Antiquities in Athens for the “Laser cleaning of Agathon Naiskos at archaeological Museum of Kerameikos”, Co-ordinator: P. Pouli |
2013-2014 |
Bilateral collaboration 25th Ephorate of Prehistoric & Classical Antiquities “Preliminary tests on the use of lasers for the cleaning of gypsum surfaces from the Knossos Archaeological site” Co-ordinator: P. Pouli |
2008-2011 |
Committee for the Preservation of the Acropolis Monuments: “Laser cleaning project of the Caryatids’ porch” Acropolis of Athens, Greece, Erechtheion |
2007-2009 |
Archaeological Museum of Aiani and 30th Ephorate of Prehistoric & Classical Antiquities “Laser cleaning at the Aiani archaeological Museum” |
2021 |
“One Belt-one Road”, Bilateral collaboration between China and Greece with the aim to develop laser cleaning and analysis instruments and methodologies customized for the Palace Museum in Beijing, China |
2016- 2020 |
NIKI: “Chine-Greece Laser Technology Joint Laboratory on Cultural Heritage”, Bilateral collaboration between China and Greece |
2016 |
“Laser cleaning demos on the late roman mosaic floors of the national garden of Athens”, 2-days workshop organized by the TEI - Athens, the Greek Ministry of Culture, the Ephorate of Antiquities of Athens & sponsored by J.M. Kaplan Fund |
2008-2009 |
“St Trophime Cloister, Arles, France; on-site laser cleaning Campaign” in collaboration with Integrated Conservation Resources, Inc (A.Trienens & G. Bournazian) funded by the World’s Monument Fund |
2009-2011 |
“Towards non-destructive analysis in archaeological and conservation science”, The University of Glasgow - Department of Archaeology, Collaboration-International Network project, granted to the University of Glasgow by the Leverhulme Trust |
1999-2002 |
“LMntI Development of a laser induced breakdown spectroscopy instrument for the analysis of archaeological samples”, Bilateral project with Institute for Aegean Prehistory INSTAP, USA |
[1] http://www.e-rihs.eu/)
[2] http://www.accelerate-project.com/
[3] https://www.laserlab-europe.eu/
[4] https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/92569/factsheet/en
[5] http://www.syddarta.eu/
[6] https://arquivo.pt/wayback/20191218154828/http://www.syddarta.eu/
[7] https://www.climateforculture.eu/
[8] https://www.climateforculture.eu
[9] https://hellasch.iesl.forth.gr/?page_id=2&lang=en
[10] https://www.forth.gr/politeia/